Hi ♥️ , I'm
Divyansh Gupta
Full Stack Developer 💚 Tech Writer 📝 Open Source Contributor
• Building things with JavaScript⚡ ReactJS⚛️

Trading UI Application
UI HTML5 Application providing an interface for users to trade on different commodities. There are many widgets available like - portfolio, vertical depth, market depth
- Angular
- Java

Load Provider Application using NodeJS
Application used to simulate 50K+ users on underlying server to performance test or load test. Not just the logins, users can perform actions as well
- Angular
- Express
- PM2
- Elastic
- Node

TOI WebPages, Widgets and Microsites Development
Created Different Microsites for TOI like - Election, Budget site. Different widget and revamped and improved other major pages of TOI like article page, listing pages and city pages
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- React

Simulation of Microsoft Word in HTML5
Simulation of Microsoft Word Application in HTML5 to provide learning to user and take assesment of students as well. There were also visual and audio related practice hints incorporated into it as well
- Vanilla Javascript
- JQuery

VS Code Extensions
Created VS Code Extension for Bootstrapping and generating Code and other reusable components or design patterns in my current Team for Development Purpose
- Electron
- NodeJS

Google Chrome Extensions
Created Chrome Extension to monitor Client and Server Communication Data over websocket similar to that of Chrome DevTools. User also has the ability to search, filter, clear and view the result in different formats
- React
- Javascript
- JQuery
React.js, Angular, Electron, NextJS, Redux
Node and Databases
Figma, Balsamiq
Joined Compro Technologies
Joined as Senior Software Developer at TOI
Joined ION Trading
Personal Accomplishments
School Topper & Through Class Topper
AMCAT Topper
IP Entrance Exam Rank